Alain Bécoulet

Character introduction

Head of Institute, CEA, Institut de Recherches sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique
Scientific Responsible Officer of the CEA programme on Magnetic Fusion
French Delegate at the EUROfusion General Assembly
Research and achievements
Hamiltonian approach of wave-particle interaction in tokamaks heating and current drive aspects, taught for ~10years at the Culham European Summer School
Experimental set-up of the Fast Wave Current Drive and dominant Fast Wave Mode Conversion schemes in Tore Supra
Experimental demonstration of the key role played by the current density profile in advanced modes of operation (Tore Supra, JET), and initiation of real time control in such scenarios. Edition of a Special PPCF issue dedicated to it.
179 publications, invited and review contributions in International Conferences and Workshops (EPS, IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, H-mode Workshop, …): H=33
Innovation of new working methods in Europe (JET Task Force, then European Task Force and Topical Group).
Monitoring of the Physics Programme of EU Associations (Plasma Scenarios) in 2003, 2005 and of the JET programme regularly since 2004 (STAC Ad-hoc group member and/or chairman).
Strategical re-orientation of the IRFM activities in preparation of ITER and the Broader Approach.

Topic: Fusion Energy: Domesticating the Stars

Abstract  The dream of an inexhaustible source of energy, safe, permanently available, without emission of greenhouse gases. The dream of recreating the sun on earth, of mastering what nature forms at every moment in the heart of the stars.
A scientific and technological challenge that seems impossible for man, but essential for humanity and for its future. Energy is at the centre of our lives and its availability is synonymous with wellbeing, life expectancy, mobility, communication, improved working conditions.
Imagine living a single day of our existence without energy other than that which our body can supply: let's cut our electricity meter, use no means of transport and eat nothing that has required any form of fossil or electric energy. It sounds impossible. In addition, for as many billions of human beings suffer every day, in conditions of life that we would be unacceptable.
Fusion can be part of the answer to providing humanity with more environmentally friendly energy. In order to obtain the equivalent of the annual electricity production of a reactor of a current nuclear power station, it is necessary to consume either a few million tons of coal, oil or natural gas, or 25 tons of uranium, or … only 350 kilograms of deuterium-tritium!
After a summary of the history of fusion research, the paper details the current state of research in the field, introduces the international project ITER, showing also the major role that China has been playing for many years in this research, as well as the prospects it opens in collaboration with the other international actors.  

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